we’re a bible-believing, Christian family church
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We’re a Christian family church.
Welcome to the online home of Regina Victory Church (RVC). We are a Christian family church where people come to believe, belong and become. Most importantly, we are a place where people from all walks of life gather just as they are.
WE’d love to get to know you.
If you’re new here or looking to get tied in, we’d love to get to know you. Please fill out the form below and we will be in touch with you shortly.
we believe
In one true and living God, eternally existing and revealed to us as the Father, Creator of all things; the Son, Jesus Christ, God Incarnate, and the Holy Spirit.
In the deity of Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, death for our sins, bodily resurrection, ascension unto God, and imminent return in power and glory.
The Holy Scriptures are the inspired and complete revelation of God’s will concerning man’s salvation through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.
That men are saved solely through faith in God’s grace as displayed in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Water baptism, a public declaration that a believer has died with Christ & risen to walk a life of holiness & love.
In the unity of all true believers as members of the universal body of Christ regardless of denominational affiliation.
In the celebration of the Lord’s Supper as a remembrance of Jesus.
In the ministry of the Holy Spirit:
By the inward witness of salvation to the believer
By daily guidance and the growth of Christ-like character
By the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, an experience distinct from and following the new birth
Evidenced initially by speaking with other tongues and subsequently by the manifestation of spiritual power in public testimony and service
By the manifestation of the supernatural gifts of the Spirit as listed in 1 Corinthians 12:8-10
That Jesus Christ is coming again to gather all His saints unto Himself. Those who have not accepted His redemptive work on their behalf will suffer eternal separation from the Godhead and burn in the lake of fire.
That following His return Jesus Christ will rule and reign for one thousand years on the earth.

our team
We’re here to support your walk with Jesus!
lead pastors
Pastors Terry and Terri have been actively involved in ministry since 1990 and with Victory Churches International since 1996. They are passionate about seeing the Church, the Bride of Christ advance in every way. They have ministered the gospel in churches, conferences, open air meetings, Bible Colleges and orphanages in over a dozen countries around the world including some of its most resistant nations! Full of charisma, and with a zeal for the Word of God, Pastors Terry and Terri operate in an apostolic and prophetic anointing with a focus on sound doctrine and releasing people into their God-given callings. They preach with the full expectation that God will confirm His Word with signs and wonders in peoples lives. You will be blessed and inspired by their contagious vision as they contend for our part in the greatest spiritual renewal in history!
Pastor Terry also serves as a President for Victory Churches of Canada International VCOCI.
“Our vision is to see people connected to God and to each other.”

Meet the Team
Pastor Terry Murphy
Lead Pastor, President of VCOCI
Pastor Terri Murphy
Lead Co-Pastor
pastor ray beaudry
Associate Pastor, Founding Member
pastor debra beaudry
Associate Pastor, Founding Member
Pastor Ryan Theissen
Assistant Pastor, Youth
pastor Stephanie Theissen
Assistant Co-Pastor, Youth
Pastor Charlotte Harding
Assistant Pastor, Children
pastor marcia smith
Assistant for RVC, Administrative Executive for VCC
Jocelyn Drozda
Administration, Pastoral Assistant
Part of Victory Churches International
Victory churches international:
Regina Victory Church is a proud part of Victory Churches International (VCI) - a rapidly-growing Christian church movement with over 2500 churches globally, as well as bible colleges, children's homes, schools, and feeding programs. Our senior pastors joined Victory Churches as pastors in 1996 - and today Pastor Terry serves as a Regional Overseer for Victory Churches of Canada International VCOCI, and is the Executive Director for VCOCI.
10 tenets of victory
1. God is the author of Victory Churches.
2. God is the source of all our needs – financial, spiritual, physical, relational, or otherwise.
3. We have a lifetime commitment to our vision.
4. We purpose to be continually renewed in our vision and our mind.
5. People are the focus of our ministry, not programs.
6. We believe every problem can get solved.
7. Teamwork and agreement is the place of power.
8. We seek to lead through relationship rather than position.
9. We are committed to increase, as opposed to maintenance.
10. We hold the Word of God to be true and every contrary circumstance subject to change.
Drs. George & Hazel Hill
Drs. George and Hazel Hill are the founders of Victory Churches International (VCI), a church planting organization in 43 nations around the world. The Victory movement began in 1979, with the Hills planting and pastoring their first church in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. This soon grew to be one of the largest charismatic churches in Canada at that time.