Over and Above

Over and Above

 Besides, in my devotion to the temple of my God, I now give my personal treasures of gold and silver for the temple of God, over and above everything I have provided for this Holy temple
– 1 Chronicles 29:3

 In our own lives, we look to give over and above. We tithe and give offerings, we serve in multiple ministries, we give our time to help the church in other areas such as marriage counseling and special events.

 King David gave extravagantly to build the temple. In fact, the Word says… “he gave all his resources in LARGE quantities.”  But David wanted to give more. He gave over and above what he had already been giving… now he gave his PERSONAL TREASURES.

 When the church announced the exciting news about the building and upcoming renovations, we both looked forward to helping the church enter this new chapter.  Therefore, when we heard a special offering was going to be taking place, we both sought God for what we would give.  We wanted to give an extravagant offering.

 Our budget is very tight. At the end of the year, Jamie had $1,000 pay increases.  Although Jamie would normally redirect all this increase to our yearly savings, he felt strongly that the “first” of this increase leading up to the special offering would instead be used to give into building God’s house rather than building our savings.

 While seeking God myself, I was sitting with a cheque for $1,500, payment from my last business deal and I heard God say “don’t just tithe on your cheque, give it all.” The tithe is the Lord’s. He leaves the 90% for us to handle and although it is ours and we could keep it for our own benefit, I instead decided to sow it all.

 The Unexpected Harvest

The door that only God can open. Opened!

 Revelation 3:8 “I know all the things you do, and I have opened a door for you that no one can close.

 In January we received an envelope from the CRA.  They had reassessed our income taxes and found us to have over contributed.  To our surprise, we received $31, 890.78 in an unexpected harvest!  Glory to God!

 The Expected Harvest

When I sowed my seed, I had asked for specific harvest to reap. I originally asked for a favorable outcome in one of my applications in my business that was proving to be difficult. All the glory is the Lord’s, because even though a mistake was made, we were granted unmerited favor by God and man. My expectation of my harvest may have come wrapped in a painful package, but I now boast all about it because it was in my weaknesses that God gave me His grace.

 He is a faithful God. During all this self-blaming, He showed me the servant benefits package in Isaiah 54 that I could claim. I am servant of God and I do serve with all my heart, with all my soul and with all that’s in me. The Lord has spoken so I confidently hold on and enjoyed these benefits dearly:

 Isaiah 54:14
You will be secure under government that is just and fair…these benefits are enjoyed by the servants of the Lord, their vindication will come from me, I, The Lord have spoken.”

The expected $16,800 harvest was reaped, and future income was set.

 Expect to reap with all your heart and prepare for the unexpected blessings when you give to the Lord over and above your tithe. What you give to God, He multiplies.

 Our giving was multiplied almost 20 times totalling to $48,690.  I used to think this only happen to others, but I am sure glad to be the one testifying today!

 1 Chronicles 29:5
 “Now then, who will follow my example? Who will give himself and all that he has to the Lord?”

 …I’ll do it again!

Gerlie Brost



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