P R A Y E R, can't live without it!

My first prayer experience was a cry for “HELP”. I was desperate for help in our marriage. Health and finances were fine but both of us were unhappy, yet too stubborn to get a divorce.

One weekend my husband was away taking a Karate class. I knew we were in trouble. If things didn’t change, he would want to get a divorce. I was scared and frustrated. I started washing the bathroom sink and as I looked up at the mirror, I started to talk to God, “if You are real “HELP”.
I call that “DESPERATION PRAYER”; short but very much from the heart. God hears. I said again, “if You are really REAL, we need “HELP!” A peace came all over me that I didn’t understand, but it was Him showing me that it would be ok.

That night Lorne came home & the Lord Jesus Christ revealed Himself to him like Paul on the road to Damascus in Acts 9. The Heavens opened to Lorne and he saw Jesus. A manifestation of Holy Spirit came upon him and set him free from demonic spirits.

Those spirits left him, but they didn’t leave the house. My dryer started to turn on in the middle of the night as we were trying to sleep. I told my husband to go downstairs and deal with it but he was too scared. The next morning, I phoned my girlfriend to tell her what happened. She said if it ever happens again; speak to them and say, “In the Name of Jesus get out of here.” The next night it happened again, so I got mad and got up went downstairs and said, “In Jesus name, whatever you are get out of my house”. The dryer stopped and we never had a problem again.

Mark 11:24 Says, “Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask, whenever you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them”.

We started going to a church that took an hour to get there. I was so hungry to learn the bible and had such a need for someone to teach me. I had been taught that I was not educated enough to be able to read a bible. My in-laws in those days had a satellite dish, so when they were in the states we would pack up and go watch preachers like Copeland, Kenneth Hagan, Norval Hayes. They taught me how to pray, “What you desire in Gods will you can have”.

I told Lorne I wanted him to buy a dish, but he said NO we need a table set. I said I would rather sit on the floor instead, if he would get us a dish, but no was the answer. So, I went before the Lord and told Him what I wanted and why I wanted it. That’s when God My FATHER showed me that He was my pro- vider.

Psalm 54:4 Elohim is my helper! Adonai is the provider for my life.

I told Lorne I will get it from My Daddy, Father God & he would not have to pay one cent. He laughed, so I started thanking God for a dish that would be in yard, set up and I would use it for His glory. It would not be used for me to just watch anything. I’d say to God, “I don’t know how You’re going to do this for me, but I will have a dish in this yard, in the name of Jesus”.

The answer started one day when Lorne went to see his Dad who just bought a new dish and said we could have the old receiver. Then he met a friend at a Full Gospel Business Men’s meeting who said that they had an old dish we could have if Lorne wanted to come and get it. Lorne got a guy to come and set it up, but the guy never charged us. And we called him and asked for the bill but it never came. God, my father took care of it all.

I told God I needed a microwave, so I could spend time with Him and spend more time studying. I wanted to cook all the food in morning so they could just microwave it. Lorne said no to this and didn’t think it was needed. Once again, I learned that my God would supply my needs.

It was delivered to my house and placed in a perfect area that I had in the kitchen. What an exciting day that was. I would study the word and pray in tongues for hours. I got together with a few girl friends for bible study and prayer 4 to 5 hrs once a week. The Microwave became famous in my home for providing heated food for my crew while I was being fed on the Word and time with God. He made a way for me to do just that, Praise God! He brought life to me when I was spiritually dead. I needed His Word to bring that LIFE.

All of these lessons taught me how to pray and how faith worked. God showed me that He is and His Word is Life itself. This was the beginning of teaching me intercession.

Intercession is not praying for yourself but for others; standing in the gap for them to come to the sav- ing knowledge of God. God had me pray for my brother in-law with an intense weight of crying out to God on his behalf.
That same day my brother in-law came to our house for help. We brought him to the Lord, cast devils out of him, got him Spirit filled and speaking in tongues! We hid him from his drug dealer friends while I taught him how to read the word and what scriptures he needed to learn to cover himself in prayer.

Do You Know God as your Savior? Do you know Him as your Daddy and as a Father? Do you know Him as your partner in intercession where He moves within you with His heart to fulfill His desire for someone else to know Him?

Have you made your self known to your Savior, your Father, your Lord, and your all-knowing God? Get to know Him before you get to heaven. He sent His Son to tear the veil between Himself and you.

~ Vivianne Davis ~


no one else like you


I am a chronic overpacker!