a perfect storm - part 2

In my previous post, I spoke about the “perfect storm” that our secular age has created and in which us Christians have become caught right in the center of. There can be no doubt of the storm we are facing. By now it is clear that this storm is real and that it cannot be avoided.

I believe that the one true God is Lord over history, and He has now called Christians in this generation into the midst of the storm.

 The ‘de-Christianization’ of the culture, which is the severing away from a biblical worldview, has fundamentally altered not only the way human beings live, but even our understanding of what it means to be human.

 Christians must realize that what is happening in culture is not merely one political side against the other. But it is between rival worldviews.

A clash of worldviews that is ultimately spiritual warfare in nature, and it is revealing all the fault lines in society. Truly, everything is at stake.

 Allow me to put it this way: over time, every culture in history conforms in general terms to one worldview, not a mixture of many. One morality, one fundamental picture of the world, one vision of humanity prevails. The clash does not end until one pushes out the other. That is the nature of humankind.

 One central challenge for Christians is to maintain hope and joy and full faith when the culture appears to be hardening against us.

 At this point, denial is no longer a strategy. The sad fact is that we have seen our society abandon moral sanity on issue after issue. We also learn that part of this is our responsibility. Even if we have failed in the past, we cannot afford to continue to keep failing now.

 I believe that Christians bear the highest responsibility in this secular age. Just consider what is entrusted to us.

 We know the true foundation of human dignity and human rights.
We know why every human life at every age under every condition is precious.
We know that the right to life is NOT merely socially constructed and up for negotiation.
We know why the family best be respected and protected by any sane civilization.
We know that sin is what explains the brokenness of the world, and we understand just how broken it is, beginning with ourselves.
We know why truth is truth.
We know why right is right and wrong is wrong.
We know that life is NOT meaningless.
We know that we are responsible creatures—that one day God will judge us for our every thought and deed.

 Only the Christian worldview is sufficient to answer the demands of our secular world, and no other worldview can provide the framework for true human flourishing.Believers in Jesus Christ possess the gospel of Jesus Christ, as well as the power of the Holy Spirit. Obedience to Christ demands our faithful stewardship, our careful thinking, and our wise engagement in the midst of this storm.

 We can pinpoint three massive Christian virtues that mark our way.As the apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthians: “So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three….” (1 Cor 13:13)

 In the third part, I will look at these three virtues—the three most important qualities that we possess that we must carry right into the heart of the storm.

~ Brendan ~


Only Jesus


a perfect storm - Part 1