the joy of vindication

It’s a joyful thing when we are publicly proven innocent. Wanting vindication is not a bad thing. The Psalms are full of David’s cry for God to vindicate him.

Here’s the cruncher. God is the one who vindicates us in His own way and His own time. When we look for our own vindication we can fall into judgment, resentment, unforgiveness and withholding the love that God commands us to have for one another. Not only that, but we block God’s hand from moving fully in the life of the one we resent.

Matthew 7:2 tells us that the same measure (mercy and grace or Judgment) we use will be measured back to us. I personally want all the mercy and grace I can get. I forgive and release others as a favour to myself, really. I don’t want to carry more than I ought.

Let’s remember that mercy triumphs over judgment and let go of the times we have been misjudged or wrongly accused. In freeing others we free ourselves. We move out of the way and allow God to deal with each one in His perfect judgment. He will vindicate us if we wait for Him. What a joyful walk of freedom when we trust the Lord to do as He says He will do.

~ Pastor Terri Murphy ~




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