“Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain; and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months. And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth produced its fruit.” - (Jam 5:17) 

1 Kings 18 tells the story of Elijah on top of Mt Carmel and his contest with the prophets of Baal. It was a dramatic demonstration of the power of prayer! Here are some clues to praying with the Elijah kind of prayer-power!

1.      Elijah knew what others didn’t know  vs 24

a) Many in Israel had come to think that God was just another Baal.

b) Elijah knew that pagan gods and devils were no match for his God! We need to remember that Satan isn’t equal and opposite to God, he is only a fallen angel.

c) He knew that God could and would answer the prayer of the righteous. 

2.      He believed what others didn’t believe  vs 34

a) Elijah believed that all things were possible with God.

b) (Luke 18:27) “The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.”

c) He believed that God’s love for his people would move Him to action on their behalf. 

3.      Elijah heard what others didn't hear  vs 41

a) Elijah could hear the rain long before it began to fall.

b) Those who walk with God have the privilege of hearing from God!

c) Verse 36, “Let it be known this day that … I have done all these things at Your word.”

d) (John 10:27) “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” 

4.      He saw what others didn't see  vs 43-44

a) Elijah could see what others couldn’t because he saw with the eye of relationship instead of religion, with the eye of revelation rather than reason, and with the eye of faith versus the eye of fear!

b) (Eph 1:17-18) “The eyes of your understanding being enlightened.”

c) (Heb12:1) “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

d) What has God enabled you to see that doesn’t yet exist?! 

5.      He said what others didn't say  vs 44

a) (Rom 4:17) “God, who… calls those things which do not exist as though they did.”

b) Our words have the power to create our circumstances.

c) Once we pray and hear from God, we need to call those things that be not as though they were!

d) Elijah spoke the Word and the Will of God into being by faith. 

6.      Elijah did what no one else could do  vs 46

a) Elijah did what no one else could do that day – not the people, not the prophets of Baal, not the King with his whole entourage, not even the false gods!

b) He released the miraculous fire of God, brought on the desperately needed rain, and turned a nation back to God! 

We need more Elijah type praying in the church these days! Powerful, audacious, faith-filled prayers that change lives, turn cities, and shake nations! (Heb 1:7 NIV) “He makes… his servants flames of fire.”

Yours for the Fire of God in your life and in your church!

~ Dr. George Hill ~


When Elijah Prayed
