An apostolic movement is a group of churches and ministries, headed up by an apostle, with a God-given mission to the world. The church needs to hear the apostolic and prophetic voices - fresh prophetic words from heaven that will move the church into action.

Acts 4 gives a beautiful picture of the characteristics of an apostolic company and how it should function:

1. They were relational, a family, a team. (Acts 4:23) In times of trouble they went to their own company. We all need our own company.

2. They knew the Word and how to pray the Word. (Acts 4:24-25) They declared Psalm 2 and prayed dominion prayers addressing nations and kings.

3. They prayed and believed to see the miracle working power of God with signs and wonders for kingdom expansion. (Acts 4:29-31)

4. They were united in one accord around a God-given purpose. (Acts 4:24)

5. They shared resources unselfishly and sacrificially with one another for kingdom expansion. (Acts 4:34-37) Sacrifice is the key that opens the door to miracles.

6. They experienced Great Power and Great Grace! (Acts 4:33)

Why You Need An Apostolic Company

Apostolic companies are not necessarily made up of all apostles, but they are all apostolic people. John 17:20 says, “as the Father has sent me, so send I you.” The word send is from the Greek word apostolos, and in Latin: missio or mission. Everyone in an apostolic company has both a ministry in the church and a mission to the world!

An apostolic company will gather around themselves an unusually high number of five-fold ministry gifts. This results in many five-fold ministry gifts being trained and released to equip the saints for the work of the ministry. (Eph 4:11-16)

A) Apostolic companies think differently - they think globally and evangelistically for Kingdom Expansion!

B) Apostolic companies facilitate divine placement. So many are trying to find their destiny without a company, and they are frustrated. God could do more with 120 in one accord in the upper room than 5000 ‘bread-and-fish’ Christians! We all need to find a place to serve, and it starts by being committed to a local church. Your local church should be your own company.

C) An apostolic company is fruitful with a continual increase and multiplication of souls, leaders, finances, and powerful local churches, with a vision for nations of churches. (Gen 35:11) “I am El Shaddai. Be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall proceed from you…”

D) Great Grace and Great Power will come upon an apostolic company who move as God directs. “And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you because you obey the voice of the Lord your God.” (Deut 28:2)

(1 Cor 9:2) “If I am not an apostle to others, yet I am doubtless an apostle to you (Victory Churches International). For you are the seal of my apostleship in the Lord”.

We have an Apostolic History and I believe we have an Apostolic Future! It’s in our DNA!

~ Dr. George Hill ~




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