Going for Gold!
“Now they do it to obtain a perishable crown, but we for an imperishable crown. So I run straight to the goal with purpose in every step. I discipline my body and bring it into subjection.” - (1 Cor.9:25-26)
The Five Qualities of a Winner
Whether you’re in the world of sports or in the Kingdom of God, every winner has these five qualities:
1. Self-analysis
A winner is honest about his strengths and weaknesses “The Lord searches every heart...If you seek Him, He will be found by you." (I Chr.28:9) In God’s presence, you’ll see yourself both as you are now, and how you could be. “You are Simon (a reed) the son of Jonah, you shall be called Cephas (a stone).” (John 1:42)
2. Focus
Champions live in the present. They refuse to let their body be one place while their mind is another. People always ‘waiting for their ship to come in’ live disappointed or die on the pier. Live where you are today. That’s where God is. Paul said, “I have made it my aim (target)…” (Rom 15:20) Paul’s focused, high-definition mentality, gave him the gold (an imperishable crown) in the Holy Spirit Olympics!
3. Confidence
Winners conquer anxiety by keeping their eyes on the goal. As they achieve each goal, their confidence increases. David said, “What shall be done for the man who kills this Philistine and takes away the reproach from Israel? I killed the lion and the bear; and this Philistine will be like one of them.” (1Sam 17:25, 36) This is something you must do daily through prayer and the Word of God. “But you, beloved building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit.” (Jude 20)
4. Toughness
Champions give up the present, for the future. They say ‘No’ to indulgence and ‘Yes’ to discipline, because the prize is worth the sacrifice. It’s what we call delayed gratification. Paul says, “Like an athlete, I punish my body treating it roughly, training it to do what it should, not what it wants to.” (1 Cor.9:27) Quitting too soon breeds weakness, and weakness always comes before surrender.
5. They Have a Team and a Game Plan
Champions know that talent is never enough. You have to have a team and know your part in it. Have you found your place in a team yet? (Eph 4:16) You have to have a plan and live by it.
We all need
· A book to live our lives by - the Bible.
· A role model we can follow - Jesus.
· A team we can be a part of - the Body of Christ.
Have you found Gods plan for your life yet? Are you living by it? Talk to Him about it, for it’s the most important conversation you’ll have today.
It’s your time. It’s my time. It’s our time - to be winners on a winning team!
We are called to be the Victory Family – ‘Home of Champions’
Yours for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus! (Phil 3:14)
~ Dr. George Hill ~