What we are about at RVC

Part of Victory Churches International

Regina Victory Church is a full member of Victory Churches International (VCI). Our Senior Pastor is on the National Executive of the movement. VCI originated in Western Canada over three decades ago under the leadership of Drs. George and Hazel Hill. In that time it has grown to become one of the worlds' fastest growing church planting movements with over 2000 churches and a presence in over 40 nations. It is so exciting to be a part is what God is doing in the world today!


Our vision is to: Reach, Teach & Mobilize!

To Reach: every available person with the wonderful news about Jesus.

To Teach: the entire message from God found in His Word with all the incredible benefits; and

To Mobilize: Victorious Christians into their God given destiny!


What Regina Victory Church is Known for:

RVCis known for the powerful practical preaching of the Word of God! The Bible is the foundation for a Christian’s life now more than ever.  As the world around us slides into the moral abyss, VCI and its members are building their lives on the solid rock of God’s Word! Exuberant and Joyful Praise and Worship! Praise and Worship of our wonderful Saviour are pillars of our church.  Our God is so incredible that He is worthy of all praise and glory and honour!


Powerful Ministry

At RVC the 5-fold ministry gifts outlined in Ephesians chapter 4; as well as all the gifts of the Holy Spirit make our church experience powerful. God is present in our services and desires to minister to His children. He often does this through times of incredible altar ministry. Children’s Ministry is extremely important at Victory. Our “Kidz Church” is an experience the kids will enjoy and remember for a lifetime! Puppets, crafts, games and music all work together with wonderful volunteers to impart to the children the truth about Jesus found in God’s Word!

Heather Murphy

Heather Murphy is a business consultant and designer, the owner of Authentically: Business & Life Solutions. In 2019, Heather Murphy partnered with Candyce Fiessel to support expanding our vision through her creativity in design, art, and neuroscience.


What We Believe at Regina Victory Church


Ten Tenets of Victory Churches International