a challenge from mom

Hebrews 11: 3 By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible. “ (NKJV)

We are made in the Image of God. He spoke and the worlds were formed; Like Him, our words have power to create, build and to tear down.

Jeremiah 1:9 ........“Behold, I have put My words in your mouth. 10 ..........To root out and to pull down, to destroy and to throw down, to build and to plant.” (NKJV)

My first experience with praying and proclaiming the Word and the will of God was in response to a challenge from my mother. I was complaining to her about this man God had given me. I thought God had tricked me and given me a “dud”. She challenged me to speak life over him and not death. She said, “stop speaking what you see and start speaking what God sees. Who does God say Terry is?” I took her advice and saw my husband change from a belligerent alcoholic to a tender hearted man of God. Not perfect, but then, neither am I. Now both of us live for God and allow Him to correct us and continually transform us. I was stunned and imprinted as new believer at the power we have to see God’s will happen through our prayer!

When reading Isaiah 58, the fasting and prayer chapter, I saw that God would hear prayer from those who served the poor! Prayer would change whole communities! I was a Social Work student at the time but decided it would be more effective to learn what gets God to hear my prayer. I began to run feeding programs and serve in a street outreach. We literally brought the poor into our home, clothed and fed them. I so much wanted to see Isaiah’s promise of being a, “repairer of the breach, restorer of streets to dwell in”.

My prayers developed into a prophetic declaration style. I try to pray and declare the thing I know God wants to see on earth. Sometimes I just pray out of my head what I think He wants, but at times the Spirit of God fills my spirit and my mouth with bold requests and commands. I’ve seen the power of God touch earth and people. I’ve seen droughts end, finances shift, governments changed, demons flee, and bodies healed.

Women are made in the creative, life giving Image of God. In birthing we bring life with our bodies and in speaking we bring life with our tongues. We can speak about the evil we see around us, or we can choose to speak life into every situation.

Deuteronomy 30:14 “I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set be fore you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live;” (NKJV)

Choose life, Give life, Speak life

~ Terri Murphy ~


Coffee, Chaos and Christ


things that go bump in the night