Coffee, Chaos and Christ

Chaos, Coffee, and Christ

If I am being honest if I could describe my life in one word right now it would be chaos. If I were given the opportunity to describe it in two words, it would be complete chaos. I will admit, the past ten weeks have not exactly been a walk in the park. Some days – well- most days I find myself sitting on my couch pondering to myself when will ‘this’ all be over. Selfishly, I think to myself, I did not ask for this. I certainly was not prepared to work full time from home, full time parenting a busy three-year-old, and to top it all off chasing around three furry animals we just had to have months and months ago. Trying to maintain a busy home and working full time was difficult enough ‘pre-Covid-19’ but now more than ever, it seems extremely difficult, and some days, next to impossible.

If I think of myself ten weeks ago- a distraught mother trying to keep it together for the sake of her daughter, I chuckle at myself. I was the mother losing sleep over not keeping a home clean because I was ‘too busy’ doing everything else. One night, God laid a verse on my heart from 1 Peter 5:7 – “Throw all of your anxiety onto him because he cares about you”. I will admit, it took me a long time to begin to let things go, in fact, I am still learning to let things go. However, the minute I came to terms with letting go of perfection and letting God take control of even the simplest tasks, my mind was at ease and my heart was filled with joy. One of my favorite verses from the bible is found in the book of Psalms 89:9, “You rule the raging of the sea; when it’s waves rise, you still them.” I have yet to meet someone that has not been affected by COVID-19 in some capacity. We might all be riding through the storm together, but we are all on different boats. Maybe some of you reading can relate to my daily chaos and perhaps some of you cannot. One thing is always certain, Jesus Christ is our calm in the storm. Lean on him, let it go, we will get through this together.

So, tomorrow is another day in lockdown, another day of managing a three-year-old demands while in a zoom meeting with coworkers. BUT- I am blessed. I am blessed to be working while so many others cannot. I am blessed to have a three-year-old to keep me company all day. I am blessed to have a home to have chaos in. I am blessed that Jesus Christ is our rock, a foundation for our family. He is our calm in our chaos. And if you need to, have another coffee, and let it go.

~ Shyanne Inkson ~


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