There is ALWAYS a new normal

The Covid- 19 isolation has given me an opportunity to reflect. Over my 70+ years I have face a number of challenges which, at the time seemed to be a crisis, therefore I faced many “new normals”

-       Dennis(my husband) transferred to Labrador with his job and I was left in
Calgary with 2  young girls for 4 months until I could join him.

-       Dennis’ mother passes away suddenly so we came back to SK to begin
farming near Lumsden.

-       We moved to Canora where we bought a larger farm – we were hailed out
the first year and had to declare bankruptcy.

-       Our eldest daughter was in a near fatal car accident

-       Both my parents passed away within 6 weeks of each other

-       Dennis diagnosed with cancer and passed away 2 years later

-       And now Covid-19

I’m saying all this because my strong faith in God and Jesus in my life brought me where I am today. He showed up when times were the darkest. Deuteronomy 31:6 says : Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” and He didn’t leave me!

The key to dealing with a crisis is to bring it all to God and tell Him how you feel. I’ve done some research to find a solution to this pandemic: not a vaccine, isolation or social distancing - although good for your safety, family and friends and our RVC church are crucial to our wellbeing.  The blessings will keep pouring in. Love lots, laugh lots, put God back on the Throne and eat ice cream!

~ Marg White ~


I am a chronic overpacker!


Coffee, Chaos and Christ