My Foundation

These days are strange. Uncharted territories. Fuelled by media fear-mongering, masking what is really going on. If a person does not have a firm foundation, I can see it being very difficult mentally and emotionally. We hear things like, stay inside, stay home, stay 6 feet apart, wear a mask, wash your hands, masks should be mandatory, limit number of people of in person gatherings, possible exposure at xyz etc.

People are fighting over all these things now. People are choosing to stay away from each other; further hindering their mental health. When we already have a pandemic of mental health, add on the fear of a virus and mental illness in people increases. People are forgetting how to be loving and interact on a human level.

Sometimes I get stressed out and burnt out with everything going on. Then my loving husband reminds me, "don’t focus on the world, focus on Jesus." I am a people person. I like to be around people. I am a nurse and naturally like to care for others. So having to feel like I need to stay away from people, like how the media has exploited, has been tiring. I try my best to reach out to the other young moms in our church. I hope they feel my effort. I pray it plants a seed of hope for them. Helps them to conquer their own insecurities, anxieties or fears. I want the Moms Time Out ministry to reach all of the young moms in RVC, even bringing other families back to church or even let RVC be a new experience for them and bring them to Jesus, even during a pandemic. Faith over fear. I want this ministry to foster comfort, encouragement, friendship and faithful fellowship all pointing towards Jesus.

So I put my hope in Jesus.

His word is a comfort to my spirit when I feel weary. It's a place to rest. A place to fill my cup again so it can be overflowing. So that the love of Jesus is seen in me.

It's been nearly a year of challenges and growth for me, literally.

Work injury, premature birth, NICU journey, financial stress, job loss, pandemic. It sure made me bend. But it did not break me. Gods word says do not focus on the world, but focus on things above. Whatever is true, whatever is holy, whatever is pure.

I see now, even though I endured trials, Jesus gave me the rest my body and spirit needed. I had his word to dig into. I grew through the discipleship teachings. Spiritual growing pains, means big spiritual gains

Jesus showed up.

Jesus pulled my husband and I through. Our village showed up for us, supporting us, loving us through our trial because Jesus taught us how to live. Gods word is the instruction manual for life.

Jesus is my foundation. His word gives me peace, disciplines me and helps me mature spiritually. His word teaches me to discern. Gives me the authority to conquer my own fear and anxiety. He is the way, the truth and the life. He is the lamp to my feet. He is my provider. My heavenly father.

Gods word does not say that life will be easier because Jesus is my saviour. But it does say that my help comes from the Lord. I am blessed going in and going out. Whatever the enemy's plans are for me they will never prosper. No harm shall ever come near me or my family. I am set apart. I am a child of God. I am protected. I am loved. I am blessed.

Because, Jesus.

~ Meagan Renaud ~


a perfect storm - Part 1


4 am thoughts