4 am thoughts

The time is 4:20 am and God has me awake and pondering  a great many things in this crazy and weird time…….. I thought I would share them with you.

What is my purpose In these troubled times?

Am I pursuing to fulfill God’s purpose for me?

Have I searched my heart and asked God to reveal anything that is offensive to Him?

Have I forgiven all offense against me, from 5 minutes ago, yesterday, 5 years or 50 years ago?

Am I self righteous?

Have I dethroned Jesus and elevated myself to sit on God’s right hand?

Do I love my neighbour as myself?

Do I love God with all my heart, all my mind and all soul and strength?

Am I going out to spread the Gospel?

Do my words and actions reflect that of Jesus?

Have I removed the plank from my own eye, BEFORE I try to remove the speck from others?

Am I slow to anger?

Are my spoken words fuel for the enemy to use against me?

Do I think of myself more highly than I ought to?

Do I seek wisdom?

Am I obedient?

Am I patient?

Am I kind?

Have I hidden God’s word in my heart especially 1 Corinthians 13?

Do my words and actions bring honor to God, my church, my family and my fellow man?

Am I a good Samaritan?

Do I respect the law, my parents, my teachers, my boss, my fellow man and myself?

Has anything become an idol to me?

Am I faithful to God, my family, my spouse, my children, my workplace?

Do I trust God?

Do I know what the truth?

Am I grateful for God’s grace and mercy?

Am I still and know that God is God?

Do I take time to appreciate the beautiful world God created?

Do I enjoy peace that passes all understanding?

Do I guard my heart with pure thoughts?

Do I strive for excellence vs perfection?

Am I a good steward of my money, time and energy?

Perhaps my time and energy would be best spent on the above things and keep God on the throne and let HIM be God. In these trouble times He knows best!


~ Marg White~  





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