Success is ?

I have noticed a tendency to base our success on the success of other people. People determine their achievements in life in comparison to their friends, universal standards, and Hollywood. Hence, it is hard to be satisfied or content with the stages we’re in at a given time.

I am no exception. I don’t play basketball as well or make as many or any points when I’m thinking “oh no, I haven’t made as many points as…….” or “everyone else is making really good shots and I haven’t.” When I do think “I’m gonna have so much fun tonight!” I end up having fun and making baskets that I wouldn’t ordinarily make.

Success is defined by Oxford Languages (Dictionary?) as “the accomplishment of an aim or purpose.” The starting point is having an aim or purpose. There is an alternative to following the band wagon of people seeming to accomplish the next thing in life in terms of going to university or not going, getting married or not getting married, having children or not having children. The alternative is knowing why you do things. If you know what your purpose is, then you can determine your own success based on your original aim or goal.

My main goal is not to make loads of money (I will make loads of money though!)but my main focus is to support and help people by utilizing the knowledge and training that I have. When I evaluate my career, I don’t focus on the amount of money I make, but on the tasks I accomplished and the lives I touched.

How then can you have a better relationship with the concept of success?

  1. Have an aim that is wholly yours: My relationship goals are to have fun, be supported and supportive, help out when help is needed, give gifts, and invest in the spiritual, emotional, and career growth of my friends. My friendship goals are not to have lots of friends, be popular, gossip, or indulge in fun things that can be detrimental to me. Hence, my friendship accomplishments are not in terms of quantity but quality.

  2. Stay true to yourself and your goals: I have come in contact with people who have a different life system. They are not as positive as I would want my close friends to be. Also, they are not as generous, hardworking, or interested in what I am interested in. I have learned to limit my interactions with such people. Evaluate and limit time spent with those whose measure of success is in them seeming to be better, more accomplished, and ahead of everyone else.

  3. Work Hard: I have been told that I work hard. Hard work is one of my life mottos (I am learning to take things easy). I love to get things done for myself and other people. I have noticed that some people believe that my motive for working hard even if it’s for others is because I expect something in return… lol. I have known and acted out Col 3:23 “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as though you were working for the Lord and not for people” not perfectly, but to the best of my ability. Success for me is in doing what God would be proud of.

  4. Be Consistent: Some people are choosy about what and who they invest their energy in. This is not always a bad thing, but there is a tendency to be partial. Partiality can be a symptom of laziness as well. Even for unappreciative friends if you can do good, do it, but don’t expect anything in return. The aim to to fulfill James 4:17, “So then, if we do not do the good we know we should do, we are guilty of sin.” Also, if you have invested time or energy in something before that had a great end result, doing so again is not a bad thing and is a great accomplishment too.

  5. Celebrate the little things: Sometimes we mistake success for something that can only qualify for big things. However, even the little accomplishments deserve credit. Completing one FitOn exercise session is small yet big because that one session is part of the four or five scheduled for the week that the app will congratulate you for completing. Success is attainable every single day as long as you look for it in the right places.

Positive people that recognize your accomplishments and cheer you on are a big part of ensuring that you have a great relationship with the concept of success.

I hope you think of the things you are successful at this week and smile. Celebrate getting up early for work, going above and beyond to provide a service to an individual, cleaning your house, visiting a friend, listening to friend, trying or doing something new, and the fact that you are staying positive and still living during a global pandemic.

Written by:

Tomi Oyegoke
” I love human beings. I love writing about what defines and influences me. I explore education, lifestyle, positivity, femininity, relationships, books, and God”


a different perspective ?


ending 2020 and starting 2021