your character, your legacy

I feel sorry for basketballer’s children. What if they cannot play as well as their parent? They wouldn’t want to destroy their parent’s legacy and this can lead to psychological problems.

I often hear people mention that they want to leave a legacy once they die. You have thought about this too, haven’t you? Sometimes you state that you are “not where you want to be in life” and this is ultimately a consideration of your legacy. I find that most think of this in terms of a financial legacy. For them, legacy refers to generational wealth. Generational wealth is excellent and a great priority to have. However, a legacy cannot be solely constricted to money. There is so much more!

The stories we know that motivate us of people like Dr. Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, and even Biblical figures are not legendary because of financial wealth. These individuals left a legacy contingent on virtue and character. I believe passing on virtues and good character is a component of generational wealth and the best legacy!

In my opinion, character is… the essence of who you are. Here are two Marriam Webster dictionary definitions. Character is,

“one of the attributes or features that make up and distinguish an individual” and “moral excellence and firmness e.g a man of sound character”

As you attempt betterment and since you are evaluating yourself toward good character, think on these questions. What qualities are you made up of? What attributes distinguish you? How can you develop and maintain sound character? How can you attain and maintain moral excellence and firmness?

Here are a few things that have helped me and I intend to intentionally undertake:

  1. Self-reflection: as much as we should have confidence in our selves, the fundamental component of good character is self-reflection and growth. A person that can observe/vet themselves to ensure upright behaviour can identify points that require improvement. Such an individual can also seek wise counsel to ensure positive improvement. I am not advocating for self-depreciation but constructive evaluation that takes into account behaviour to start, stop or continue. Reflect on your response to the pandemic, lockdown, riots, etc. Have you complained? Analyzed the situation of things? Prayed?

  2. Consistency in undertaking healthy habits: I have come to realize that good character results from undertaking and embodying healthy habits consistently. A person that can wake up at the right time every morning, pray, and exercise is likely to accomplish more. Such an individual can be entrusted with important tasks and deadlines. During Covid, a consistent individual will still start work on time, take care of themselves, reach out to loved ones and take active steps to still be involved in the community safely. Good behaviour and habits beget the same.

  3. Lifelong learning: I try to be a lifelong student. I learn from people older and younger than me. I learn from books and documentaries. I have learned that I can discover a whole lot if I listen to and actively engage in positive things other people are interested in. Two nights ago I relearned from a 5 year old that sometimes simple tasks can be daunting because they are unfamiliar to me. I just need to be aware of what I don’t know and be open to learning it. It’s also okay to say “I don’t know that, can you please explain….”

  4. Reliance on the right source/guide: a question on your mind could be on what the gauge for good character is. I believe the Bible lays out methods for attaining moral excellence. The Bible provides specific teachings on morality that are outlined as vices to avoid like the Ten Commandments, whole books like Proverbs, stories of others to learn from, or prayers. The Bible holds a wealth of knowledge that can certainly guide you and keep you from falling into bad character/habits.

Mark 7:20–23 For he had said that it is what comes out of the man that defiles the man. For from within, out of the heart of men, come forth the evil thoughts, the adulteries, the fornications, the murders, the thefts, the covetousness, the wickedness, the deceit, the lasciviousness, the evil eye, the slander, the pride, the unwiseness: all these evil things come out from within and defile the man.

It’s not too late, you have time to evaluate habits you intend to Start, Stop, and Continue this year. I laid out my habits last week, have you laid out yours? Are you determined to be disciplined? Let’s conquer the year!

Oluwatomisin Oyegoke


handling change

