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One Man, One Cross, And A World That Was Changed Forever
Debra Beaudry Debra Beaudry

One Man, One Cross, And A World That Was Changed Forever

- No man was born like this man. Isa 7:14, Psalm 51:5

- No man lived like this man. Heb 4:15

- No man died like this man. Rom 5:8

- No man rose from the dead like this man. Rev 1:18

- No man was given a name like this man. Phil 2:8-11, Acts 4:12

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the path to victory
Debra Beaudry Debra Beaudry

the path to victory

Culture: Everybody is doing it. (Rom 12:2 TM) “Don’t become so well adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without…thinking.”Tradition: We have always done it this way. (Lk 5:38) “New wine must be put into new wineskins.”Reason: It seems logical. (Prov 3:5-6) “Lean not to your own understanding.”Emotions: It just feels right. How can it be wrong when it feels so good?

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seeing with spiritual eyes
Debra Beaudry Debra Beaudry

seeing with spiritual eyes

The measure of adversity we face today and in the future, is great, but it is also indicative of the incredible opportunity available to believers. To see through the tough stuff and be able to change the spiritual climate in our homes, our places of work, our families, and our church.

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Debra Beaudry Debra Beaudry


After Wilburn Chapman’s first sermon at Bethany Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, a man said, “You’re pretty young to be pastor of this great church. We’ve always had older men. I’m afraid you won’t succeed, but since you preach the Gospel, I’m going to help you all I can.” Chapman thought, “What a crank” But the man continued, “I’m going to pray for you, and a few others have covenanted to join me.”

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dormant season
Debra Beaudry Debra Beaudry

dormant season

I have been in a dormant season where my spirit has required rest. Like a frozen tree in winter, it rests to rejuvenate to bring new growth in the spring and let the dead branches break off.

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the value of a god-given vision
Debra Beaudry Debra Beaudry

the value of a god-given vision

The heavenly vision is to turn unbelievers from darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto God. The heavenly vision is what gives meaning, value, and purpose to earthly ambitions.

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Debra Beaudry Debra Beaudry


“Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name Emmanuel.” (Isaiah 7:14) Almost a thousand years later, the angel Gabriel came to Mary and said, “Behold you shall conceive in your womb, and bring forth a son and shall call his name Jesus.” (Luke 1:31)

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dare you to move
Debra Beaudry Debra Beaudry

dare you to move

One of my favorite songs in the whole world is Dare you to move ~ by Switchfoot. I love this song and it’s my motivation song.

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Christ Has Broken Down The Walls of Partition
Debra Beaudry Debra Beaudry

Christ Has Broken Down The Walls of Partition

We cannot reach people if we don’t like them, won’t mix with them, or talk to them. In John chapter 4:1-42, we see Jesus break every kind of racial, social, cultural, and moral barrier in order to reach a Samaritan woman, who was sitting near the well of Jacob.

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Turning Thanksgiving Into Thanksliving!
Debra Beaudry Debra Beaudry

Turning Thanksgiving Into Thanksliving!

“In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” (1 Thes 5:18)

Being a thankful person is one of the greatest secrets of success in life.

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time & opportunity
Debra Beaudry Debra Beaudry

time & opportunity

Every so often an opportunity comes along that has the potential to change everything in a positive or negative way. Covid19 has been one of those scenarios! For those who can see it and are prepared for it - it may prove the opportunity of a lifetime!

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Debra Beaudry Debra Beaudry


History tends to repeat itself. A century ago, the Spanish Flu epidemic swept the world, causing almost 50 million deaths. For more than two years people were stuck in the middle of severe health restrictions that brought their lives to a standstill. But on its heels came a decade of tremendous progress and prosperity. They called it the Roaring Twenties!

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Debra Beaudry Debra Beaudry


The Bible talks of the Kingdom of God/Heaven/Light, the kingdom of darkness, and the kingdoms of this world. These kingdoms are incompatible with each other. There can be no such thing as a peaceful co-existence between the kingdom of light and the kingdom of darkness.

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prelude to summer 2022
Debra Beaudry Debra Beaudry

prelude to summer 2022

This is the first summer out of the global pandemic. I don’t know about you, but I’m looking forward to summer. And I am here for it!

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Debra Beaudry Debra Beaudry


Many aspects of the Kingdom of God seem counterintuitive. That is, until we study what Jesus said about the Kingdom and allow God to reveal its mysteries to us!

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the joy of vindication
Debra Beaudry Debra Beaudry

the joy of vindication

It’s a joyful thing when we are publicly proven innocent. Wanting vindication is not a bad thing.
The Psalms are full of David’s cry for God to vindicate him.

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covenant makers and covenant breakers
Debra Beaudry Debra Beaudry

covenant makers and covenant breakers

The Lord gave this prophetic scripture when we built our first Victory Church in Lethbridge, Alberta. We all made major financial and material sacrifices to build a beautiful facility on 43 Acres of prime land. Sacrifice always releases the miracle-working power of God

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Mothers Day - what being a first time mom has taught me
Debra Beaudry Debra Beaudry

Mothers Day - what being a first time mom has taught me

I have learned that it literarily takes a village to raise a child. Right from the hospital, there have been moments when I couldn’t imagine not having certain people around. Like my husband (shout out to single moms) they deserve accolades.

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Debra Beaudry Debra Beaudry


First came Christmas, then came valentines, and now we have Easter.
There’re eggs everywhere and chocolate too. Have you stopped to think why? You may be fed up with christians and talk of christianity but you must admit that Jesus permeates major holidays.

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